6 Million Listeners
New data about Podcasting keeps coming in from all locations. It's becoming hard to tell what is hype and what is actually real.
Here is a figure to digest.
More than 22 million American adults own iPods or MP3 players, and 29% of them have downloaded Podcasts from the Web.
These are the results of an independent survey conduction by PEW.
To read more about this controversial report click here:
http://www.pewinternet.org/PPF/p/1071/pipcomments.aspIt's important to note that the survey did not differentiate between using an RSS tool to download the broadcast, or finding it and downloading it by hand. I also believe that their data came from a pool of only 280 adults.
1700 Podcasts!
The latest news, there are now over 1700 Podcasts and counting.
Let’s compare that to radio stations.
Here are the totals according to the FCC report on June 30th, 2004.
Am Stations – 4771
FM Commercial - 6218
FM Educational – 2497
Here’s a question for you, How many radio stations really broadcast FREE speech?
Answer: NONE
How many PODCASTS offer Free and uncensored discussions on any topic?
Answer: All of them.
With the FCC’s recent targeting of FM Rock and Talk Stations for “Obscenity”, almost every major radio station has pulled back their punches. DJ’s are no longer allowed the freedom to talk in a conversational matter about any subject. A subject can be “Obscene” by anybodies standards and the station could loose their license or receive a heavy fine. FREE speech my ass.